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In greek Psihi. ΨυΧή. Y and X. Familiar? Very symbolic letters. Soul is the combination of X and Y. And it makes sense how? With cores and gravity. We have a Y core in our head and two X cores in our bodies. The Y core is connected through gravity with the centre of the Sun and is pulling us up during the day. While our common X core in our body connected with the core of the Earth is a force constantly pulling us down. We are two dots connected, one dot pulling up and one pulling down. This way we form the Y axis. It is the centrifugal force that connects the Earth with the Sun. It is the highest force we have all been worshiping.

It is our reasoning why (Y).

The X motion, the force that drives us forward and moves us around is created by the spinning of the Earth.

A spin that is being controlled by the Moon. Goddess. The core that provides e-motion. Feelings. Our second X intelligence, our emotional intelligence, our Moon is a force lifting us up and forward. The X axis.

A human is supposed to have all three cores active. There are two sexes. Each sex with 2 cores active looking to activate the 3rd.

Given the facts, males are Earth connected with the Sun and females are Earth connected with the Moon. Two sexes thinking vertically different but both in one Earth. XY and XX. Males and females. The motivation to to bring them together so they can produce one more human. Attraction. Love. Feelings. Two sexes in desperate need of each other. To complete each other. One has something the other needs. Males reach through cognition to feelings and females reach through feelings to cognition. We need each other to exist. With different roles, different origins of thought but one common purpose. To bring life and to reach balance. The Sun, the Moon and the Earth magically dance together in space, it is almost miracular that we exist, so humans, males and females need to find the way to work in balance and harmony in order for Paradise to exist here on Earth, not in the after life

©2020 by Polential - The potential of intelligence. 

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